Wednesday, May 20, 2009

shawn johnson

shawn johnson
Olympic gymnast Shawn Johnson danced away with the shiny trophy on ABC's Dancing With the Stars last night, while on Fox's American Idol, Adam Lambert and Kris Allen gave it one last shot before tonight's winner is announced.
Johnson defeated the handsome Gilles Marini, of Sex and the City, and Bachelor reject Melissa Rycroft.
Johnson's victory was somewhat surprising as Marini was the point leader for most of the competition this season, but the 18-year-old Johnson managed to wow America in the last three weeks by upping her performances and continuing with her flawless technique.
Earlier last night on American Idol, "we've got ourselves a real live dual competition going on here, and I love it, right?" said Randy in his inimitable Jackson-ese.
The choice was clear: West Coast Stage Door Johnny (Lambert), with his vampire stare, long black coat, and over-the-top theatrics, or Arkansas Slim in blue jeans (Allen), as unassuming as the Ozark day is long, but with pipes and doe eyes that can also mesmerize an adoring public.

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