Wednesday, June 3, 2009

john hock

john hock
THE Singapore authorities are right to redeploy the Gurkha officers away from the American Club popular with the American expatriate community here, said security experts.
Assistant Professor John Harrison from the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies said: "The situation of organised threat in Singapore is very low and (the Government) has done an admirable job in this aspect. By redeploying the Gurkhas according to the assessed threat level, they would be available if threats were to strike later on."
The comments came in the wake of the redeployment of Gurkhas away from the American Club, where they had been stationed for the past eight years.
An e-mail sent to club members said the move was taken because "the security threat level in Singapore is such that redeployment of the Gurkha guards is appropriate".

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