Wednesday, May 27, 2009

west suburban bank

west suburban bank
I'd like to give some two-word commonsense solutions to situations in our village that I see as increasingly unreasonable.
First, to the mother of the Wooten boys: step back. The many incidents involving your boys cannot be excused on the basis of harassment, race or anything else. It is clear that your boys are behaving badly. Continually defending them for actions that are unreasonable does not allow them to become men. To your boys: grow up. Schooling will give you skills for future employment and a life of promise. Thug life is a dead end. You are young and have your lives ahead of you. Please make good choices.
To the village manager: clean house. The Community Relations Department is ineffective and should be eliminated. The lack of progress in the Wooten situation is only the latest example of a lack of ability to foster any kind of community relationship building. Block clubs or neighborhood watch programs will save money and bring the neighbors together to solve their own issues.
Eliminate the Department of Building and Property Standards, as well. They have done virtually nothing to address the two-year vacancy of the house next door to mine. The neighbors see no bang for their tax bucks and are nearing revolt, and I suspect the same is true for many others. To the Parking Department: clarify signage. Did you visit Lot 13, behind U.S. Bank on Lake Street when you took your tour several weeks ago? Nowhere does it say that only permit parking is allowed on Sundays

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